Friday, 17 June 2011

Spaceworks and white goods

Having decided to work from home today it seemed a bit of an issue to see I'd written 'new Spaceworks post' on my to do list today. How could I could I honestly write about the wonders of shelling out for a shared office space when I had spurned it today?

Well, that was about 9.15 when I had that thought. By 11am when I'd hung out the washing, filled the dishwasher, chastised the cat for terrorising birds, swept the kitchen floor and read the sports section of the paper, drunk two mugs of coffee, booked in the car to the garage and speculated on the emptiness of the fridge, quickly got the washing back in again when it started to rain ... well I was seeing it rather differently.

I know that I am particularly distractable, but all of us can be diverted from our must dos, by some ought to dos. Its not to say I work uninterrupted in Spaceworks, but the interruptions are more welcome and usually involve hot drinks and biscuits instead.

So, a call to others in Sheffield who fall prey to working at home distraction - join us - the white goods can wait!

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