Collaboration is the topic of the first in a series of blog posts about what 'makes' a shared office space. We've been inspired by the book 'Working in the Unoffice' by Genevieve V DeGuzman (Author) and Andrew I Tang (Contributor). They've come up with the five things that make a coworking space a great place to work, so we've borrowed their themes as they are also five things we we love about Spaceworks. First up ... Collaboration.
Two businesses who work from Spaceworks shared office space are Cadence Works and Spiky Communications. The former a Sheffield based consultancy, specialising in writing winning tenders (and tutoring others to do the same) and the latter is a social media and creative marketing expert, passing on knowledge through Social Media Super Groups. Together they have collaborated in Spaceworks to form the Third Sector Cafe; a network for third sector organisations in Sheffield, meeting every third Thursday of the month.
By collaborating to form the Third Sector Cafe, Cadence and Spiky could combine their skills, expertise and contacts. Not only was the formation of the Cafe collaborative, but the way it is run is collaborative too. Each Cafe looks at a different topic relevant to the third sector and speakers work with (not for) the Third Sector Cafe to make each event engaging and informative for third sector participants. In addition, the TSC collaborates with outside organisations, using local business people to facilitate discussions. The wonderful I-Am-Auriel, Madame Zucchini & Organise Chaos have experience of facilitating and running workshops and coaching sessions, for their own businesses, and can bring those skills to Cafe meet ups too.
More recently, the Third Sector Cafe recently celebrated collaboration at their MADE Festival Fringe event in September: 'Philanthropy - what's in it for me?' At this event attendees from both the third sector and businesses in Sheffield discussed: do businesses only support charities in order to improve their image with their customers? And are charities only really interested in talking to businesses to get them to donate to their cause? The discussion explored the benefits of businesses and charities working collaboratively, with case study examples of such collaborations in Sheffield.
Get in touch with your stories of collaboration, or stop by Spaceworks to see if a shared office space could work for you.
Tuesday, 18 November 2014
Sunday, 28 September 2014
Origami skills & cardboard desks
This quirky desk is from chairigami |
Harland Works has recycled 4938 litres of paper and cardboard in the last quarter, now we're thinking that we should have saved some of it! The next box we flatten is going to undergo a transformation - into a desk!
This plush looking thing to the left is a desk from chairigami, who have also successfully funded the production of a standing desk on Kickstarter this year.
What we like about this product is that it is made from something that you wouldn't necessarily think is strong enough to make sturdy furniture, and yet it is entirely functional because it is well designed and put together to withstand weight (see photo proof of this here). This makes an everyday material look really special, and we're always impressed when construction is a clever as slotting together, with no glue, tape, screws, staples, or hope holding everything together.
Tuesday, 9 September 2014
Back to school, back to work
Many Sheffield children are back at school this week! For parents
who’ve been juggling business and kids all August, this can feel like a huge
relief: at last, a chance to fit in some uninterrupted hours of work on their
business …. at least until 3.30 pm anyway.
If September has given you some time back and made you feel like starting a new project, or if the summer holidays have left you feeling that your business needs to see more of you, Spaceworks offers
flexible and affordable workspace, available when you need it – so you
can make the best of the hours you have available in holiday and term
Get in touch to have a look around and discuss what Spaceworks can offer you.

Get in touch to have a look around and discuss what Spaceworks can offer you.
Monday, 11 August 2014
Surviving the summer holidays
Summer holidays are great fun, but how do you fit working life around them?
At Spaceworks we've gathered 3 tips from working parents with younger children to see what they choose to do to keep the work - life balance over summer.
1) Adjusting your working hours can work well. "It feels a bit funny changing from working 9am-5pm, but it is surprising how much work I can squeeze in after the kids have gone to bed."
At Spaceworks we've gathered 3 tips from working parents with younger children to see what they choose to do to keep the work - life balance over summer.
2) Many other parents are in the same situation over the summer, so working together can be really helpful. "When I have a meeting, I ask a friend to watch the kids for a couple of hours, knowing that I'll return the favour when they have an appointment they can't miss."
3) Some activities will allow you to get a bit of ticking-over admin done. "If my children fancy watching a film, I can sit in the same room as them and just answer a few emails to keep the ball rolling."
If you do need a desk for a day of work away from home, we have Day Passes for Spaceworks for £10. We hope you're having a lovely summer, and we'd love to hear your survival tips too!
Wednesday, 9 July 2014
Inflatable pod at Sheffield Doc/Fest Photo from Exposed Magazine |
Spaceworks pops up in any unused space in Harland Works, but we love the idea of a workspace that literally pops up. From inflatable office-in-a-bag to swish garden pods there is a lot of pod-potential out there.
Pods are a good problem-solver. Heating a little pod in the winter is quicker than heating up a larger room or a whole house. And a smaller space is much easier and quicker to personalise (though you might have to leave out pinning things to the walls in the inflatable pods...)
If anybody out there has experience of working in (or with) pods, please get in touch and tell us what you think of them!
Thursday, 15 May 2014
Working from home AND a shared office
Here at Spaceworks, we've been thinking about where people choose to work.
When someone says "I'm working from home." Do you imagine they will be having a lie in and catching up on last nights' tele? Getting to do conference calls in their pyjamas? With 15% more people going into self employment since the Credit Crunch in 2008, working
from home is becoming an increasing trend.
Here at Spaceworks, we’ve met lots of
people who work from home, running their own companies from the kitchen table
or working as freelancers with specialist skills in their field.
Lashmar owns Spiky Communications and mixes working from home and in our shared
office space. She likes the wider network of people that she gets to meet “I
get space to get a second opinion,
inspiration or have a laugh and as a result I find my days working in
Spaceworks more productive than working from home.”

We created Spaceworks
with this in mind, we offer the flexibility of having a desk for a few hours or
a few days a week, with easy-in, easy-out contracts written in plain English.
You can have the flexibility of working at home and mix it with having
Spaceworks colleagues, and the sociability of a shared office space, with
rounds of tea and coffee (and biscuits).
If you want to see
what our Spaceworks rooms are like, drop by Harland Works and have a look! Or
try out our shared workspace for a half day (4 hours) for free during June
Monday, 14 April 2014
5 things we’re doing that make us more productive
is a shared office space based in the vibrant and exciting John Street Works
triangle off London Road. With the diverse range of businesses using our desk
space we thought we’d share some of our experiences and ideas of how to be
productive – from Spaceworks and beyond.
Time sheets
We’ve been experimenting with using time sheets this last few
weeks and wow what a difference it’s made. Particularly when you are working
for yourself, it forces you to think about what you are spending your time
doing and whether it’s the most cost effective use of your time. The down side
is that you can focus on filling in the time sheets rather than using them
to evaluate how you are using your time.
Score 3/5
One of the reasons for setting up Spaceworks came from the
experience of working at home with the distraction of the dishwasher, the kids,
the shopping, people coming to the door, chickens escaping, the list goes on
for all of us. Finding a good space to work is key to being productive. We’ve
seen that a clean and clear space makes a huge difference to how productive we
are. One of the added bonuses to shared workspace has been that when you are stressed
and working towards a tight deadline, other people in Spaceworks will notice
and offer to make you a drink – a small act but really appreciated when you’ve
barely got time to breathe let alone put the kettle on.
Score 5/5
Switching the
internet off
Sometimes this seems counterproductive – but all we can say is try
it! If the internet is on, we find we get distracted by tweets and emails, so
if you have a looming deadline for a piece of work, or you have set aside an
hour to strategise, try disconnecting your laptop from the ‘net. We’ve found
that limits distractions, enabling you to focus. What you don’t want to feel is
stressed by this, if you are waiting for an important email then obviously this
isn’t the idea for you!
Score 4/5
We’re real fans of lists in Spaceworks. Actually, we are fans of
ticking things off our lists. Crossing off that task so forcefully that you rip
through the paper, or finishing an entire to-do list in a day; who doesn’t like
a list?
Score 5/5
Having a break
Our favourite, having a break and a coffee. We’ve found it’s helpful
to pause and enjoy a break – it’s helped to spark some great ideas, to keep our
energy up and to make the day fun too. However, a time limit on breaks can also
be helpful to not get too distracted and forget why you are there!
Score 3/5
Those are our favourite ideas for being more productive;
please get in touch if you want to know more about joining us in Spaceworks, the
shared work space.
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