Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Working form home or not as the case may be

I am working form home today. it made sense, expecting a delivery, kids to pick up etc ... and I have got a few things done I needed to do on my work to do list. But, I have also unloaded the dishwasher, hung out two sets of washing, given the cat some medicine and had three snacks from the kitchen in 2.5 hours (not had lunch yet though).

The truth is that that is normal for me. Its not a problem for the odd day a week, but its starts to get inefficient when every day is like that. That's why having the option to go into Spaceworks is so handy. It helps me focus and there is a bit of not unwelcome social pressure to get on with stuff. Oh and someone always offers a hot drink or the opportunity to pop down to the cafe for lunch too, which is nice.

So, if you want to try it our then tweet, email, call, send a letter and we'll set up a trial day.

Spaceworks, Harland Works, John St, Sheffield

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