Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Hive minding for business owners?

The next meeting of our new group for business owners is 9.30 am to 12.30 pm on Friday June 21st.

If you are running or starting a business on your own and fancy joining a group of other people doing the same thing, then please join us. We're aiming to get together a group of up to 8 people to meet every 6 weeks or so on Friday mornings. The group will be facilitated by Lyn Barbour and we've set the cost at £20 per session per person. People need to sign up for 6 sessions and there are agreements around confidentiality we'll go through at the next meeting.

At our initial meeting some one described it as 'hive minding' for business owners ... which sounds good to me. Some one else said "sometimes I end up too close to things; this feels like an opportunity to step back for a couple of hours and see the bigger picture". Does this feel like something that'd help you develop your business?

New members currently very welcome (until we get to 8 people) - so do get in touch if you'd like to find out more.

07967 144230

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